Reins of the Grey Riding Camel
This is the grey riding camel, it drops from Dormus the Camel-Hoarder who is shown below. When you obtain this mount, you also get the title <name> the Camel-Hoarder and the achievement Scourer of the Eternal Sands
The only way to find Dormus is to find mysterious camel figurines which are scattered across Uldum. Easy enough, right? Wrong. These little figurines have a 95% chance to turn into [Crumbled Statue Remnants]
which leaves a 5% chance to teleport you to Feralas where you will be able to find Dormus.
Now if it wasn't already difficult, these figurines have a long spawn timer, which appears to range from 6+ hours after it has been found. Personally I would recommend downloading the addon NPC scan and overlay, NPC scan will not detect these figurines anymore but the overlay is useful as it pinpoints every spawn location.
Another recommended addon is Cross Realm Assist. What I did to find these figurines is circle an area that has multiple spawn points while realm hopping, it proved very effective and I ended up finding 6 within about 12 hours overall and I got my mount on the 6th.
The figurines are rather small, but turning on friendly name plates is extremely useful and makes it a lot easier to spot. I will include the screenshots of some of the figurines I found (I stayed in the Neferset City area which covers 5 spawn points)

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